IELTS Speaking

Explore official IELTS preparation materials for Speaking test, from free practice tests to events and tips from IELTS Experts.

All speaking tests are conducted face-to-face with a certified IELTS examiner in traditional way or via ZOOM and are recorded in case they need to be reviewed.

Part 1 is the first part of the test where the examiner will ask you some general questions about familiar topics like work, family, studies and hobbies.

In Part 2 you will be given a card with a topic. You will be given one minute to take notes on the topic and will be given a pencil and paper to prepare your response.

You will then speak on the topic for two minutes. In Part 3 of the interview, you will have a two-way discussion with the examiner where they will ask questions related to the topic discussed in Part 2.

The Speaking test may be conducted on the same day as the other tests or a week before or after the other test parts.


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